Membership in the E.T.S
Membership in the E.T.S
Membership at the association according to the basic regulations of the society approved by the Egyptian Ministry of Social Affairs, is divided into: –
1- Corporate Membership:
This membership is devoted to Consultancy firms, Construction companies, technical authorities and research organizations. This membership allows to obtain the publications of the association as well as a copy of the publications and periodicals issued to the association, either from the ITA or sister associations in the member countries, as well as attending of interested persons the monthly lectures and seminars held by the association free of charge. The annual subscription value is 1000 one thousand Egyptian pounds and the registration fee at the start of the membership is 25 (twenty five) pounds.
2-Individual members:
This membership includes engineers and specialists. This membership allows attendance of seminars and lectures held by the association in addition to obtaining the periodicals issued by the association. · The annual subscription value is 20 LE and the enrollment fee is 25 LE (ten) LE.